Established in 2012.
Registry number
CNPJ. 16.845.538/0001-37
INMETRO Certification for Automotive components - Legal Representative
To act as the legal representative in Brazil for the foreign manufacturers of automotive components for the procedures and process related to the Inmetro certification of the automotive components and perform the related activities.
Foreign manufacturers are not allowed to request and receive the Inmetro certificates and register the products, and therefore have to nominate a legal representative to act on their behalf in Brazil.
There are about 40 foreign manufacturers of automotive components (including automotive wheel, brake pad and lining, battery, safety glass, lamps and others) that CHUPRO Consultoria is representing in the territory of Brazil. Those foreign manufacturers are located mainly in Europe and Asia.
CHUPRO Consultoria has concentrated experience on the Inmetro automotive components certification procedure in Brazil for the last 7 years (from 2012) and is keeping and developing a very good relationship with the certification body IQA, being one of the most reliable and top clients of IQA.
There are about 120 registry of product families under the name of Chupro Consultoria in the Inmetro system (Orquestra). There is a specialized work for the arrangements of the audits and tests, application of the register number, any change or update, annual maintenances, that is monitored all the time.
Business Consulting for Small and Medium Enterprises from Korea
Chupro Consultoria is seleted as one of the global business partner by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups (Korean Government) for the small and medium size enterprises in Korea to assist them in achieving business goals abroad such as product export sales or foreign investments.
Business experience over 25 years in Brazil, in the area of steel mill, petro-chemical equipments, construction and shipping.
Trading of automotive components, petro-chemical equipments
Mauricio Chu (Wonseok Chu)
Tel : 55-21-98155-4838
Skype : live.m.chu008
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